Department of Chemistry,
Anna University,
Chennai 600 025
Chennai 600 025
Email Applications are invited for Recruitment of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Vacancy Posts in Anna University Department of Chemistry
Advertisement date 14.10.2020
Last date 31.10.2020
Post :
- Junior Research Fellow (JRF) - 1 Vacancy Post - Salary Rs.25000 per month - MSc / MPhil in Chemistry or ME / MTech in Chemical Engineering / Nano Technology / Petroleum Technology ; GATE certification is desirable - Age limit 30 years
Project duration :
Funded by : DST Indo-Norway Project
General Instructions :
Help Line Telephone No. 044 - 22358653Help Line Email Id
The above post is temporary category job.
The above post is temporary category job.
Application email subject to be mentioned as Application for the post of INT/NOR/RCN/BIO/P-04/2018 - JRF
Interested and eligible candidates are requested to apply with detailed application with covering letter to the following email id on or before the last date.
Interested and eligible candidates are requested to apply with detailed application with covering letter to the following email id on or before the last date.
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