International Institute of Population Science (IIPS)
Govandi Station Road, Deonar,
Mumbai - 400 088
Applications are invited for Recruitment of Director Post in International Institute of Population Science (IIPS) Mumbai
Advertisement No.IIPS/REC.DIR/01/2016
Advertisement date 24.08.2016
Last date 04.10.2016
Post :
- Director and Senior Professor - 1 Post - Basic Pay 37400 Grade Pay 10000 in Pay Band IV category - MA / MSc Demography / Statistics / Economics / Mathematics / Sociology with 10 years experience in demographic research - Age 50 years
General Instructions :
Help Line Telephone No.022 - 42372400
Help Line Email ID
Official website URL
The above posts are permanent category job.
Age relaxations and roster systems are applicable as per Government of India rules.
Interested and eligible candidates are requested to apply with the prescribed application form to the following address on or before the last date.
The CAO cum Registrar,
International Institute of Population Science (IIPS)
Govandi Station Road, Deonar,
Mumbai - 400 088
Notification and Application Form
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govt jobs 2016
brillant piece of information, I had come to know about your web-page from my friend hardkik, chennai,i have read atleast 9 posts of yours by now, and let me tell you, your webpage gives the best and the most interesting information. This is just the kind of information that i had been looking for, i'm already your rss reader now and i would regularly watch out for the new posts, once again hats off to you! Thanx a million once again, Regards, IIPS Director Recruitment 2016